2025 Polish presidential election - Overview

Main Players (From the Left: Hołownia, Nawrocki, Mentzen, Trzaskowski)


Hi :3

The Polish presidential election will take place on May 18, 2025. The president is elected for a five-year term, using the two-round system. The president can be re-elected once, which is why the current president, Andrzej Duda, is ineligible for re-election.

To be registered as a candidate, one must collect 100,000 signatures by April 8.

Since 2023, Donald Tusk has been governing the country as a Prime Minister. His coalition does not have enough votes to bypass the presidential veto. This is important, as the current president has used his veto power against goverment bills extensively.

Below I will try to somewhat objectively describe each candidate:

Declared Candidates

Main Candidates

Rafał Trzaskowski - KO (Civic Coalition, the same party as Donald Tusk, the current Prime Minister) -
Mayor of Warsaw (Capital city).
Your typical Democrat - center to center-right. Pro-European, Pro-abortion, etc.
Seen as out of touch with common folk, somewhat charismatic.
He was also a candidate in the 2020 presidential election, having lost the election with 49% of the vote.
Fun fact: Accused of shitting into the Vistula river by critics.
Expected to win the 2025 election.

Karol Nawrocki - PIS (Law and Justice, the same party as Andrzej Duda, the current President) -
Head of the IPN (Institute of National Remembrance)
Your typical Republican - Right-wing, but unlike the republicans, economically more left - pro-welfare and goverment control. Catholic, and a soft eurosceptic.
Virtually unknown prior to the 2025 election, has the charisma of a wooden plank.
Fun fact: Can bench ~220 lbs

Candidates that can get more than 10% of the vote

Szymon Hołownia - TD (Third Way) -
Marshal of the Sejm (Lower house of Parliment)
Center-right. Christian Democrat, backed by agrarians. As he says, always open to a dialogue.
Charismatic, known for hosting the polish version of Got Talent. Very Catholic.
Fun Fact: Sejm youtube channel has over 700k subscribers, that's almost twice as much as the UK parliment.

Sławomir Mentzen - Konfederacja (Confederation) -
Member of Parliment, and head of Confederation
Your typical Techbro - Right-wing Libertarian. His party is accused of being Pro-Russian. Some more left leaning people may call him a fascist.
Has a massive following online, charismatic, runs an accounting office as well as craft beer brewery.
Fun Fact: Hails from the same party as the infamous Janusz Korwin-Mikke.

Other noteworthy candidates

Grzegorz Braun - Korona (The Crown) -
Member of the European Parliment
Probably the most right-wing, if not outright fascist candidate. Anti-Ukrainian, Pro-Russian, Antisemitic.
Similar to Jacob Rees-Mogg in his mannerisms.
Fun Fact: Used a fire extinguisher in Parliment on a Hannukah Menorah, now the fire extinguisher serves as his logo.

Magdalena Biejat - Lewica (The Left) -
Deputy Marshal of the Senate (Upper house of Parliment)
Left-wing, as the party name suggests.
The only woman on this list. Switched her party affiliation from Razem, to Lewica.
Fun Fact: There isn't much to say about her lol.

Adrian Zandberg - Razem (Together)
Member of the Sejm
Left-wing, even more so than The Left. Unlike Lewica, they are not part of the governing coalition.
Probably most similar to "The squad" in the US, and Corbyn in the UK. Somehow not Pro-Russian.
Fun Fact: Was born in Denmark, which is why he is nicknamed "Powerful Viking" by his followers.

Krzysztof Stanowski - Independent
Journalist, Youtuber
No political views, his campaign aims to expose other candidates campaigns, and dirty tricks
Fun Fact: Doesnt wish to be president, wants nobody to vote for him.

Thank you for reading, Discuss :3