Categories shuffling???

"Yviira" (WA name) here, again. I've noticed this strictly when trying to view or modify articles on mobile that entire categories will just... Choose to live inside other categories, shuffle their positions, or just refuse to show up AT RANDOM. I'm not sure what's happening but it's driving me insane and has been, so far, THE only issue I've had with WA so far. First picture is how I found it when I went to post this, second image is the order I want them in, and third image is AFTER I fixed it, not even 5s later (yes I waited for the "category moved!" pop up). I am genuinely losing my mind over this. That & the fact that on mobile, clicking on any category in the "articles" screen is impossible, just make organizing while I'm AFK a PITA :(

If anyone knows how to fix this knows what's up, that would be awesome.