I am looking for NATIVE speakers: German, French, Thai, Finish, Greek, Polish, Hebrew, and All Indic.

Oulier.ai, I can refer you !!

Hey! Outlier.ai is seeking urgent experts in the languages listed below! (YOU MUST BE A NATIVE and DON'T HAVE AN ACCOUNT IN OUTLIER).

They are especially looking for:

  • German
  • French
  • Dutch
  • Thai
  • Finnish
  • Greek
  • Polish
  • Hebrew
  • and All Indic Dialects (e.g., Urdu, Punjabi, Marathi, etc.)

If you are a NATIVE in one of the preview languages listed above, or if you speak fluently an other language than English, send me a DM and I can refer you and you will be working for 25$/h as a language expert the same day =)