Webull Premium Details Announced

Webull shared details on their premium subscription ($40/year):

  • The cash yield at 4.1% is okay compared to the current 3.75% but is lower than competition (4.5% with Robinhood Gold). Though by the time it launches it's possible interest rates go down a notch. Other subscription-free high yield options are Apple/Goldman Sachs at 3.90% and Marcus/Goldman Sachs at 3.90%
  • Level 2 and OPRA included, at $2.99/month each, that's $5.98/month combined in value.
  • IRA match at 3.5% is indeed "unparalleled", as they had mentioned in their first announcement. Robinhood Gold matches at 3%.
  • Tiered margin rates: sure... if that's your thing
  • Index options and futures contract discounts: a little vague but a good incentive

Overall, that sounds like excellent value (Robinhood Gold is at $5/month, so $60/year) though what matters most is how aggressive they are on the cash yield, and that's just okay. From the way it's written, it sounds like $40/year will apply if you pay annually.
