Just a vent… about a vent.

I have to get something that’s so unbelievably frustrating off of my chest. Please bear with me. This is a vent, I’m not trying to argue with anyone, and I’m not saying that DE isn’t good at what they do or anything like that. I just need to get this off of my chest.

My problem is the waverider quest. I hate having anything to do with that quest. I hate knowing it exist, thinking about it makes me want to tear my hair out.

At first, it’s sort of easy, and then suddenly, you’re faced with a task that seems impossible. You must fall for 5 seconds. The game NEVER tells you that you need to modify your k-drive, NEVER tells you how to do it, and when you try to do it, you need insane amounts of standing, and the only way to get that standing is repetitive and slow. Finally, you get an attachment that makes you fall like 5% slower and it still isn’t enough even if you jump from the tallest point of the map. So that attachment is just thrown in there to fuck with you.

What’s in it for you? Jack nothing. This quest brings nothing to the story. It’s not even required to advance in the story. All you you get is a weak warframe after HOURS of doing these pointless quests and after every successful attempt, you’re actually punished because the ventkids read you a long story that you can’t skip. And then you get to customize your k-drive… for whatever good that does…

I brought my concerns up with the community and got lambasted, EVEN AFTER MY FRIENDS TOLD ME THAT EVERYONE HAD A PROBLEM WITH THAT MISSION, BUT I GUESS IT REALLY IS JUST ME WHO CANT SEEM TO DO IT. Everyone says “they nerfed it, it’s so much easier now.” I WASN’T AROUND BEFORE THEY NERFED IT, IM A NEW PLAYER!!! It makes me want to do it even less.

The waverider quest is by far the worst side quest I’ve ever endured in a video game. I hate HATE this quest. It’s so unfair and frustrating, that I will NEVER COMPLETE IT for the sake of my own sanity. There is nothing anyone can do to change my mind. DE could make the reward 1000 platinum and I still wouldn’t do it.

If you’ve read this far. Thanks. You’re a real one. Have a phenomenal day. 🥰