I just finished rewatching IWTEYP for the first time

Yes, I cried three separate times just as hard as the first watch

Yes, IWTEYP is 100% my favorite media of all time

No, I will not be rewatching it within the next year (I likely will because im addicted to tearjerkers)

It was really hard for me to watch at some parts knowing already what happens

I think a lot of the reason this movie moves me as much as it does is because I relate to Haruki on just about every level

No story has ever had characters that felt so real as IWTEYP not to mention the connection between the viewer and characters is established in such a short time

I doubt any movie will ever come close to IWTEYP or atleast in my eyes, from in my shoes

Never have I ever wanted to thank a fictional character as I do Sakura