What are some of your general complaints about the game, or characters in general?

I'm just curious, not really trying to "start something" or anything like that.

Honestly I keep seeing a lot of complaints about gameplay, and certain things going on with characters and I just wonder how many of us feel like we'd be having a better time if things were slightly different.

A couple of mine are -

  • I wish matches were actually a little longer. Like an ACTUAL two minutes once the walls go up (plus the spike time.) This is not like a grumble "I'mma stop playing" complaint. More a casual, "dang, wish that were a little longer..."

  • I play Chamber, and only Chamber (I won't be changing, I literally downloaded the game for him and only him). I wish that the cooldown time for the util wasn't 30 seconds (sort of my thoughts on the above ^ ) because one of my experiences playing this character is "set up" - "wrong site" - "collect the things" - "Run to the other site" - "Everyone is dead" - "Spike is planted" - "Now I'm supposed to fight 4 people in a gun fight" - "Everyone's pissed that I didn't / couldn't" (Well, you're dead...so...) "Can't set up because spike is planted and timer is still counting down..."

Again, not going to "rage quit" or stop playing the game because of this. Just minor annoyances, really.

Trust me, these aren't "I'mma cry about it" kind of things. I just need to "git gudder" with a lot of my general complaints hahahahaha. <3
