Before you buy any textbooks...
Just remember there is a free, easy-to-use site that has pretty much every textbook you could need for free. Naturally this doesn't apply to classes where you need digital access to do HW problems.
Google "library genesis", or go to, and look up the title of the textbook you need. For other books, change to "Fiction" or the appropriate category.
On the list, find the right title/edition. Sometimes the latest edition won't be up, but the majority of the time recent editions barely have new additions so you should be fine. Also, you might have a choice between PDF and epub. Pdf's are usually easier, but if only the epub is available I'll get to that.
Hit the [1] on the righthand side Mirrors, and hit "Get". No, you won't get a virus.
If it's a PDF you're good. If it's an epub (ebook file), you have 2 choices. Either:
1) Go to , hit Your Library, and upload the file. Now it'll be in your own Google account library and you can access it anytime.
2) Download a 3rd party Chrome epub reader extension or a standalone program, my favorite being--
And that's that. Don't waste any more money than you have to