Which monarchs was into arthurian legends?

Henry VII, he named his first born Arthur. Wanting to show legitimacy.


Edward III, he cosplayed as some of the heros from legend. Named one of his sons Lionel.

Created the order of the garter, reference to the kinghts of the round table..

I think he planned to build a special hall with a round table, for him and his boys.

But it was scraped beacuse it was to expensive.


Any other monarchs who showed a special interest to arthurian legends?

Henry VII, he named his first born Arthur. Wanting to show legitimacy.


Edward III, he cosplayed as some of the heros from legend. Named one of his sons Lionel.

Created the order of the garter, reference to the kinghts of the round table..

I think he planned to build a special hall with a round table, for him and his boys.

But it was scraped beacuse it was to expensive.


Any other monarchs who showed a special interest to arthurian legends?