AITA for not wanting my husbands best friend to stay with us
My husband’s has a best friend from college, “P”. P went through trauma growing up and never got the help he needed to overcome that trauma. He dropped out of college because his parents stopped paying for school and then he got into legal trouble basically P doesn’t do anything with his life. He’s a really smart guy
After dropping out of college, he would live with different friends. I started dating my husband in 2014 and he would stay at my husband’s condo, but it would just be for a few days. I felt bad for the guy and he’s really nice.
Anyways around 2017, he met a girl and he moved with her to NY and that actually lasted a couple of years (shocking haha). After that, he stayed in NY with no family or friends. Basically he just isolated himself.
Fast forward to now, back in April he had an episode and his dad flew to NY and drove him back to the west coast. Apparently he can’t stay with his parents (not sure why) and he asked my husband if he could stay here. I agree because my husband said he talked to him and that P would go to therapy and start to do figure out his life (he’s almost 40 years old). WELL, it’s been over a month and he is literally on his computer from the moment he wakes up till bed, doesn’t go to therapy, and just doesn’t do anything with his life. He doesn’t shower so he makes my house stink, he doesn’t really know how to clean up after himself so I have to clean up or tell him don’t do this, you need to do this.
I work from home so I have to see him all day. I told my husband I want him to move out. I can tell my husband is upset about this, but I just think his parents need to figure out how to help him and it shouldn’t be on us. Thoughts?