Warning: u/RealMctoran, alleged online groomer of a minor, is seeking control over all backrooms related subreddits.

PSA: it's over. u/RealMctoran has been ejected. Below is an edited summary of events for reference. Links might expire as time goes on.

Victory post over at https://www.reddit.com/r/backrooms/s/U4BcbWEWMX .


There are 2, not directly related events that have kicked this off:

  1. u/RealMctoran has on a backrooms related online platform interacted with a minor, and has sexually harassed them. These actions have been detailed by some who became involved in relevant conversations about this. All details are documented here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HIEA5jwzCZNyYZ6vP8DM2-RFSF3gwxPhGnVn6FjUhl4/
  2. u/RealMctoran , who is a moderator on r/backrooms and r/TheBackrooms has also sought to obtain the sole moderatorship of r/TrueBackrooms . This happened here: https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/1hefa4v/requesting_rtruebackrooms_as_the_moderators_are/ . He describes moderatorship as "owning" and "possession" or a sub. In a Youtube video on his own channel he similarly boasts being the owner of r/backrooms and r/TheBackrooms . Technical note: on the latter two subs, he was/is the "oldest" moderator account. This gives him more control, including over other moderators. This follows a publicly know pattern of u/RealMctoran seeking full control over what he sees as "his" community. There are overt delusions of grandeur and entitlement at play.

When the aforementioned point 1 was revealed, including by a former r/backrooms moderator ( u/Orbityeet ), u/RealMctoran has forcibly censored and removed all evidence from r/backrooms and r/TheBackrooms , abusing his mod powers to this end. Subsequently, I made this post, which at that time called upon his fellow moderators at both subs to rein him in. I have also contacted those mod teams directly via modmail, highlighting them to this post. I have also contacted each mod, excluding u/RealMctoran , directly with a similar message. These mods are: on u/Kosmikos_ , u/loose_lizard , and u/Fomulouscrunch (co-moderators of r/backrooms at the time this happened), and u/1000dumplings (co-moderator of r/thebackrooms at the time this happened).

Following this, u/RealMctoran decided to go down the scorched-earth route: he forcibly removed all his fellow r/backrooms moderators and seized control of the sub for his own egotistical purposes. It should be noted that these fellow mods might have been unable to remove him regardless, since he was the "oldest" moderator. Put differently, they are not to blame and could likely not have prevented this happening even if they acted quickly. Interestingly, u/RealMctoran did leave u/1000dumplings in place at r/TheBackrooms .

In my direct conversations with each (former) mod, it has become clear that none of them support u/RealMctoran in all this, bar possibly u/1000dumplings up to a certain extent at that point in time. In the meantime, the group of former r/backrooms mods had started an effort to contact the Reddit admins and regain control. The public part of this happened here: https://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/1hgblqn/rbackrooms_was_not_abandoned_and_has_been_hijacked/

In the meantime, u/RealMctoran had posted a document with a lengthy rant himself. This can be found in the comments below (if it has not been removed by the time you're reading this) and should be treated with caution: do not click on his links while logged into a Google Account, as this can reveal your identity to him. Given that he is acting erratically, risks exist. In an attempted comment that was shadow-banned by Reddit, he has for example threatened me directly. For reference: https://imgur.com/a/q6ta5hd . This is similar to his overt death wishes voiced to most of the community in the document that he posted himself.

Eventually, u/RealMctoran re-added u/1000dumplings as a co-mod to r/backrooms (note they were only a co-mod at r/TheBackrooms before). This can possibly be regarded as a sociopathic attempt from u/RealMctoran to abuse their former friend, u/1000dumplings , in order to thwart the other original mods' attempt to regain control of the sub via Reddit admins (as this might make it seem as if the sub has not been seized by a single person and is moderated "normally" by multiple mods). It also might falsely make it appear as if u/1000dumplings was still supporting u/RealMctoran . Eventually, u/1000dumplings denied u/RealMctoran these false benefits by leaving as a mod themselves, ultimately resulting in u/RealMctoran overtly standing alone.

Finally, processes led to u/1000dumplings regaining mod status and u/RealMctoran being ejected. Other mod powers have since been restored to former mods of r/backrooms . Victory celebrations and further discussion continues over at https://www.reddit.com/r/backrooms/s/U4BcbWEWMX .

Let this be a lesson in careful management of an online community. Power-hungry people should always be kept in check before they go off the deep end and start abusing their powers and authority, including to seize control of the community's assets, censor or otherwise control open communication, or worse, directly harass others (possibly sexually, possibly minors). Red flags are often popping up before things escalate, and should never be ignored.