[discussion] clearly what needs to happen in Alecto…
(this post is simultaneously not 100% serious and something I would love to happen very much)
In the series, so far, we’ve had two “Sleeping Beauty”-type kisses - kissing a seemingly dead person, only for them to wake up, which is more or less related to said kiss.
First we have ten year old Harrow kissing the supposed corpse of Alecto. In a way, this wakes her up (or at least part of her soul).
Then we have Nona/Alecto kiss the corpse of Gideon. Who has been awake before but pretending to be dead.
So, obviously, what needs to happen in Alecto is Gideon kissing the corpse of Harrow (…and maybe Harrow not being fully dead afterwards).
(This post also made me realize that there’s overall very few kisses in this series - we have the two above. Harrow kissing Ianthe, which was more calculated than either of those. The threesome of old people in HtN, which again was very calculated for 2/3 of them. And Nona as a messenger between Cam and Pal in NtN which is its own thing that I could scream about for a while.)
Edit for additional thought: Nona/Alecto as the messenger for kisses though. We have that very obviously with that one scene, between Pal and Cam. But in a way, the sleeping beauty kisses are just that, too. Harrow kissed Alecto. Nona saw Gideon and just. Had the urge to kiss her. She didn’t even particularly like Gideons appearance. She didn’t elaborate in thoughts or words why she did it, only saying its private. I’m 50/50 between “that’s some small part of Harrow, certified corpse kisser, still present. Some sort of muscle memory” and “Alecto giving that kiss from all these years ago to the person it should’ve gone to”. I wonder if she did it exactly the same way, too.