Please advice from woman over 25+

Turning 23 soon and I can’t imagine what life is like beyond 25. I’m terrified, curious, excited, but scared.

I’m starting to see myself age which is really weird, kinda pretty honestly. But strange because I don’t look 19 anymore. Which is trippy.

I’m worried about my health, the gym and posture, hair, and if my eyebrows are thinning, did I take my vitmeans? I need to stretch Jesus! sunscreen sunscreen sunscreen

I’m trying to spent time with myself. Even though I feel so alone. I’m not alone. But it’s a lonely chapter I guess, but I’m trying to let myself “be” cuz I feel like time will pass me by and I’ll be 30 with a PhD (hopefully) a partner, a dog something that would require me to not have so much time to myself. So maybe I should just enough it and take it slow.

What’s something you would want ur 22 self to know. What would you tell her?

I’d really appreciate some advice! I lost my older sister not too long ago and I’d usually just go to her for this kinda stuff.

Thank you