What would Young Alicent Hightower's view be on bastards in general ?

Young Alicent from ep 1 and 2 is a quite different person from the Alicent we see in ep 6.


Im planning to write a fanfiction.

And I have decided to pair young Alicent with (young) Henry Bolingbroke. (Henry IV of England)

Aemma gets to live a few more years, and during that time Alicent will get a marriage proposal from a Reach family. And Otto will accept.

I am gonna put Henry and his family in the reach (so instead of being english royalty, they will be rich Reach Lords)

And im intrested in how Alicent would interact with Henry's family, would she be comfortable?


Henry's mother died when he was a baby and he had two older sisters .

His father John of Gaunt remarried and he had a daughter with his second wife.


But the most important part!

How would Alicent react/feel when she learns that her husband Henry has 4 illegitimate half siblings ?

And that her father in law has a long time mistress, Katherine Swynford. Who is the mother of those children.

And that John (her father in law) will marry his mistress at the end of his life, which will make the mistress (Katherine) her husband's stepmom, and his half siblings legitimazed.


She wont be living with her father in law or the rest of Henry's family.

She and Henry will have their own houseold. And their own place to call their own.


But she will still meet the rest of Henry family often.

Which includes her father in law's mistress and her husband's 4 illegitimate siblings (3 brothers, 1 sister)

Henry often worked closely with his father John, they were close and a good team.

Henry had also a good relationship with all his siblings (including his illegitimate siblings) and his father's mistress.

Who was his sisters governess and been a part of his life since forever.

No ill feelings.


So how would Alicent feel about her new family, she is marrying into?

Would she hate it? That its not following society's rules?

Be offended, having to play nice with Henry's illegitimate siblings and her father in law's mistress, Katherine Swynford?

Or would being married to Henry (better then Viserys) make her less strict and mean?


I find it a bit hard to pin down Alicent, what kind of person she is.

But she seems really sweet in ep 1 and 2. Someone that would not think the worst of others.

So I doubt she would behave badly towards Henry's family.

But what do you think?

What would she think of her husband's bastards siblings?