Gauging Interest in an idea I had.
Hey Teachers, this is the first time I’m posting here so sorry if this post is breaking some rule that I’m not aware of.
I am currently a high school student, and there are points when I feel bad for my teachers simply because they lack the ability to understand how the class is understand the information that they are teaching, and it has effects on both the students and teachers.
This seems to be a relatively common issue around teachers at my school, and so my first question is:
Is this lack of teacher to class understanding/connection common these days?
This question got me thinking about possible solutions/aids for a problem like this, and because I have experience building websites I did my best to mockup an idea that may be helpful to a few teachers, so the idea is something like this:
The teacher, would at the beginning of a class/lecture create a “lobby” using said website, this lobby would allow students to join on a partner website via a join code (similar to Kahoot), once the class has joined the lobby the teacher could submit questions/prompts to the entire class at once, and the entire class would respond, these responses would be sent back to the teacher in realtime to visualize how the class is understanding whatever the question sent was about.
I’m not sure if this is a terrible idea or not so please let me know if you think there may be some demand for a website like this one, also I welcome any teachers who would like to give feedback on how I could improve this idea.
Regardless, ❤️ to all you teachers