Tauriens & modern dating
Regardless of where you stand politically, we are a conservative sign. I never hear of Taurus being ok with polyamory or situationships .
Notice I’m constantly struggling with dating (post Covid, dating app era) and seems to be because of being too “Taurus like”
We don’t like uncertainty or passive aggressive… If you’re not interested. Just tell us! We will be much less angry.
We are also “boring” being homebody’s & introverts, routines, hobbies, talents, which seems to turn off many other signs.
We want to make them ours and no one else’s. (They view this as possessive)
Why make small talk when we could save time money & emotional investment with big talk. (Others view this as intense or too much too soon) I view this as more practical and less risky to get the hard parts out of the way early.
If there’s a relationship challenge, we try to work it out. Others flee.
Unfortunately that seems to be the norm these days especially where I live.
Curious if many other tauriens feel the same way?