Pregnancy loss, am I missing anything?
Hi! I am hoping to get some insight to see if anyone else has been through a similar journey.
My husband and I froze Embryos when I was 32, we had a great outcome, 9 PGT normal, day 5 euploid embryos. At 34, we decided to try naturally, then with clomid/ovidrel, then with embryo transfer:
Pregnancy History:
- January - chemical pregnancy - unaided
- May - pregnancy of unknown location using clomid and ovidrel. HCG kept going up but the pregnancy was not seen on ultrasound. Eventually started bleeding, had to have to D&C and injection of methotrexate to clear the pregnancy
- October - chemical pregnancy
- November - embryo transfer; embryo split and was pregnant with identical twins, at 11 weeks they lost their heartbeats
- Myself and husband have had genetic testing and we don't overlap on anything
- July - Saline Sonogram - normal
- July - HSG - left tube wouldn't fill
- August - HSG - left tube was slow to fill, but ultimately did
- February - Pregnancy tissue was tested - all genetically normal
- February - Recurrent loss testing - all came back normal. Recurrent loss testing included:
- NK and Activated T Cells/IL2r
- PT and PTT
- Anticardiolip Ab, IgA/G/M, Qn
- Factor V Leiden Mutation
- Factor II, DNA
- Hemoglobin A1c
- HIV Ab/p24 Ag with Reflex
- HCV Antibody
- Homocyst(e)ine
- Thyroid Antibodies
- HBsAg Screen
- Venipuncture
Cycle Information:
- Regular 27-29 day cycle
- Easy period, no cramping or pain
- always light
- Lasts 3-4 days
- I do have PCOS and I take Metformin 1000mg for it
Now I am down a rabbit hole, of what could be wrong. After reading about silent endo, wondering if this is something i should investigate further or if there is something else. Of course, i also know I might be searching for an answer that doesn't exist. Just having a hard time accepting this is all just "unlucky"