Revenge of Shuffled- Courtney wons Immunity. Up, Up and Away in my Pitiful Ballon
Grett is chosen by Mike. She is annoyed but not too much. Courtney smiles at her saying that this is what happens when you play your cards without thinking about the consequences. Grett is shocked and says that she set this all up, calling her a traitor and saying that she thought they both had a deal. Courtney responds by saying, like she said, they had a deal and now that the plan has been fulfilled, she doesn't need her anymore, and it's not like she wouldn't do the same thing if they were in opposite situations, this is a game and she just played the cards she had. Grett is escorted by Chef saying that this isn't over yet and that next time, she will make Courtney pay for her betrayal.
Courtney has a confessional celebrating how her plan worked and now that Grett is out of the game, she feels more confident about winning this game, especially since she still has Alec as an ally.
Alec has a confessional saying that it was expected that Courtney would form an alliance outside of theirs, mainly due to the change of teams, and how she made a masterstroke, but he did not expect her to eliminate her ally at the first opportunity. This alerts him, because he wonders if she would do the same to him, now that the final is not over.
The next morning, Mike would be sitting near the docks with a sad expression, Anastacia would approach him and ask if he was okay, he would say no, the last few weeks have not been the best, not only did his girlfriend leave thanks to a mistake of his, but he was also betrayed by someone he thought was a friend, and now he doesn't even know where or who to trust, apparently this game wasn't for him. Anastacia would touch his shoulder saying that she understands his feelings, because not only did she lose someone she loved, but she knows that the person responsible for this is still in the game and worse, someone she never imagined would be capable of doing what he did.
Mike would say he was sorry for her and ask what she did to deal with all this? Anastacia would answer that as much as she wanted to regret the guilty person's face, she remembered the promise she made to her beloved, to not stop fighting, no matter how bad the situation was, she should prevail strong, for herself and for her beloved and that's what Mike should do too.
The boy felt a wave of positivity take over his body and he would agree with everything that was said, the blonde would nod happily at the boy's joy and ask if he would be interested in joining her, but only if he wants to of course. Mike would shake her hand saying yes.
In the Confessional, Anastacia would say she felt happy to have been able to help Mike, considering that he wasn't the only one to be betrayed on this island and not only can she say she gained a friend, she has an ally who can help her eliminate Alec, as soon as possible.
On the other side of the island, Alec would talk to Courtney about the voting options and he would suggest that they and Damien vote for Anastacia, Courtney would ask why, since between her and Mike, he seems to be more skilled. Alec would tell how he sabotaged the mine challenge, used the idol on himself and eliminated Marissa and now Anastacia is after him at any cost and Damien still doesn't trust him 100% because he didn't tell her about the idol and now things are like this
Courtney would say: "Wow, that was a smart move, but also very risky, because not only was the immunity idol used, but Damien can easily team up with Mike and Anastacia to eliminate one of the two." She would explain that the best solution is for them to win immunity at all costs and keep things as they are.
Alec would ask how, she would say that even though Damien is weak as a fly, they still need his vote, so Alec should help him in the challenge as a way to eliminate his distrust. After that, they can continue strong in the game, Alec asks about Damien and Courtney answers that he will have to go sooner or later, she still asks how he was not one of the first to leave, as long as they reach the finals together as they promised, everything will be perfect. Alec would sigh saying that even though he likes Damien, she has a point
Little did they know, Damien heard everything behind a bush and in the Confessional, he would say that even though he doesn't like Courtney, he didn't expect to see her and Alec conspire to get rid of him and on top of that, Alec didn't object to it, and he thought he could finally trust the guy, maybe denying Anastacia's offer wasn't the best idea.
In the challenge, the challenge would remain the same as in canon, where the competitors have to rescue the stolen briefcase with a million dollars. Here, Scott would replace Heather, and not only did he make it to the finals in World Tour, but he also better matches the villain in this episode. Alec would help Damien assemble his plane, with Damien asking why he is helping him instead of Courtney. He would say that Courtney can handle it on her own. Furthermore, he wanted to apologize for making him feel untrustworthy, saying that this game makes people take actions that make them forget that they are human and that from now on he would like to do things differently, deciding to help him with his plane. After all, a true ally always helps another. Damien would thank him for his help and shake his hand, even though he still had one reservation.
Anastacia would have her balloon attacked by the mutant goats, but she was rescued by Mike who was piloting a goat, which made Anastacia happy. Courtney would be ahead of everyone, and Anastacia would signal Mike about this and so he ordered the snakes to attack Courtney, but she managed to dodge the fire and get into the hovercraft in time.
Scott would pretend to cry like Heather, but Courtney would not fall for it and would demand the suitcase before kicking Scott and commandeering the hovercraft. However, Anastacia and Mike's goats destroyed one of the wings, causing Courtney and Scott to crash. And in the end, Courtney would win immunity.
Before the elimination, Courtney would call Alec to see if he had luck with Damien in the challenge, he would say yes, saying that Damien's suspicions about him seemed to have gone away. Courtney would say that well, as long as they have the majority in their hands, everything would be fine.
Damien, on the other hand, would talk to Anastacia and Mike if they would be willing to vote for Alec. Anastacia would not hesitate to agree, thanking him for finally agreeing with his idea, Mike would ask why he would vote for him, since they weren't allies or something? He even helped him during the challenge. Damien would say that he appreciated his help, but that doesn't change the fact that he heard him agree with Courtney's idea of voting for him. Besides, if they eliminate him now, Courtney will be left without any allies and it will be easier to defeat her if they team up to take her down.
Anastacia and Mike would think this is a good idea, with Damien shaking their hands. During the elimination, Alec would ask Damien if they would follow the plan of voting for Anastacia and he would say yes with a smile, when in fact, he and the other two already have a plan, who will leave?