Transport in Swindon now makes me lazy.

Does anyone else feel the same??

Buses are becoming late. First it was a stagecoach problem, now Swindon Bus Company is added to the nightmare mix. Intervals being big sometimes. Not only buses turning up after a long time, some of them even withdraw from service last minute right before arriving at the bus stop.

This is a pain. One time when I was at my gap year in college, a mate and I were waiting to get back to Swindon and the bus did not arrive until fucking 8pm anf we stood there since 4:15PM. And after fasting, I sometimes go out to eat around 7pm from a takeway, and I have to wait 10 mins for a late bus and by the time I arrive it is 8pm and all the shops being closed with anti socials at peak. I'd rather starve until the next night than to be at risk of getting harassed or humiliated by some pf these anti socials.

I swear this was not like that before when I was in secondary school. Whenever I have to travel outside in this town or surrounding areas, I just feel sleepy.