⚠️ Updates pertaining to The Big DD ⚠️ + showing you that Monday's GME run was Boofing 🍌

This post is going to give updates related to The Big DD that I posted on December 16, 2024. If you never got to read it, you can still find it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oO2-Kym-NdY

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. I have no formal education in finance. Nothing in this Due Diligence (DD) is financial advice. Nothing in this DD should be viewed as an inducement to make any investment or follow any particular strategy. I do not guarantee the accuracy of anything in this DD. The past performance of the stocks discussed in this DD is not indicative of future results.

Although not required, a high quality tinfoil hat is recommended beyond this point…

After posting The Big DD, I had to go on the run for a while as there were witch-hunts out on my name. Mobs with pitchforks around every corner, day and night. "Shill" they shouted! After a couple of weeks, the dust finally started to settle, and I was able to get back to work.


Joking aside, it's been almost 2 months since I posted The Big DD, and I really have been hard at work. I've received an enormous amount of peer review, continued my own research, and I've even been publicly putting my theories to the test. I'm going to detail all of it in this post, and yes this is flaired as Due Diligence because I'm going to show you some cool stuff with charts. 😎

Peer Review

Getting as much peer review from the community as possible has been my main goal. Let's discuss the details and walk-through what I've learned for each of the major topics from The Big DD. Here are the sources of the peer review that I have gathered:

  1. You beautiful apes. I received a ton of DMs after posting the DD. I believe I responded to every single one, or at least I tried to! πŸ˜… A lot of your questions helped me to identify which areas of The Big DD were most confusing to apes, and some of you wrinkly apes sent some pretty insightful stuff! πŸ‘€ I listened to all of it.
  2. I've been working behind the scenes to get The Big DD in front of as many high-level DD writers as I can. Some of these guys are still around today, but I also got feedback from some legends that most of you haven't heard from since 2021. Not going to name any names, but let's just say there's still some serious wrinkles out there! 🧠
  3. Last but not least, I was finally able to get into contact with a knowledgeable FINRA representative. I really wish this had happened prior to me posting The Big DD, but I suppose I'm just happy that it happened at all. Anyways, I was able to bounce some rule questions off of them.

Now let's dive into each of the major concepts from The Big DD and see where things currently stand:


This was probably the most significant new concept, ya know the delayed settlement mechanism that I showed was responsible for most of GME's runs in the past? Thus far, I have not had a single serious DD writer push back on boofing. The consensus among the wrinkle-brains that I've talked to seems to be that both the concept and Boofing Formulas are sound. Naturally some people are hesitant to buy-in to boofing until we see some cases of it play out in the future, but we'll get to that in a minute. For those of you that read my DD, but still aren't fully grasping the concept of boofing, I'd recommend going on YouTube and searching "Richard Newton The Big DD". Richard made a couple of videos where he dove into some of the runs from my DD, and he does an excellent job of explaining things. I don't want to speak for Richard, but go watch the videos for yourself, his ETF FTD data aligns perfectly with my boofing theory, at least for the runs he dove into.

One bit of feedback that I did get from a lot of you guys is that you wished I had shown an example of plugging dates into the Boofing Formulas. A step-by-step breakdown. Let's knock that out now. Here's an example, let's take a random date, hmm...how about January 2, 2025 and plug it into the formula.

It's been 4 years apes, by now y'all should be pros at the \"calculator game\" and the \"calendar game\"! IYKYK

In our example above, the final settlement date from any boofing that occurred on January 2nd would be February 10th. This means that if boofing occurred that day, the volume would have to be settled on or prior to February 10th. Hope this helps πŸ™‚

REX 068:

This wasn't a new concept as I had already written a REX 068 DD in the past, but I did go into more detail on this topic in The Big DD. Again I ran this by some very smart people and everyone seems to be on board. There were two guys that had a minor disagreement with me about a detail of the REX 068 section. Basically, they think the date I pegged as the margin deficiency date during The Sneeze may be off by a day or two. I heard them out and re-analyzed, but I still stand by the date I put in the DD.

There is one OG in particular that wrote some extremely intricate DDs back in 2021 that I was able to get to read the REX 068 section of The Big DD. After I put it in front of them, they said (and I quote): "This part is very well written. This is exactly how this works." Seeing as I have a lot of respect for this person's work, that felt really good to hear. πŸ™Œ

Now, a lot of apes that reached out to me expressed that they would like to see the actual REX data as proof of my theory before believing it. This is why I put the "REX System Transparency" section in The Big DD. I totally agree, I would love to see that data and prove the theory, but the unfortunate reality is that simply isn't possible as FINRA REX data is exempt from FOIA. Although I know my DD does not provide hard proof of the REX 068 theory, I tried to get as close as possible!

Final point on this topic: In the DD, I expressed how margin deficiencies large enough to warrant a REX 068 extension are very rare. We've only seen this happen twice on GME since this saga began, The Sneeze and May/June of 2024. There are a few DD writers who seem to believe REX 068 extension windows are occurring more regularly from smaller margin deficiencies. I caution against this line of thinking as I have not seen the evidence to support this. It is entirely possible that smaller margin deficiencies happen from time to time, but logic tells me they'd simply cover the margin within the standard 15 business days rather than request an unnecessary extension window from FINRA. If see DDs from other people claiming or predicting REX 068 windows from small catalysts, proceed with caution, just my two cents.

The GME - KOSS Connection:

In The Big DD, I showed a lot side-by-side charts of GME and KOSS. The connection between GME and KOSS has already been proven by many DD writers going to back to 2021, including my own DD series called The GME - KOSS Connection here on Superstonk. For that reason there's not much to talk about here in terms of peer review. One important takeaway that I'd like to remind you of is that when boofing occurs, KOSS runs alongside GME. Sometimes when GME runs, the KOSS chart can reveal extra information to help us understand what is really driving GME.

FINRA Holiday Extensions:

As you can see, so far The Big DD has stood up to peer review surprisingly well. Now for the bad part. In the DD, I had expressed how FINRA changed the way they were documenting the Regulation T Holiday Margin Extensions for 2025, so I asked the FINRA representative about it. Well they basically told me that the old way of documenting may have been a little confusing, but that those Reg T extensions I was pointing to in The Big DD are actually available every trading day, not just surrounding the holidays, and there's a whole slew of REX codes for those extensions. They sent me some documentation and after going through it, I think they're right. So yeah, sorry guys, the holiday extension part is incorrect! The Big DD probably needs a revision to remove this section. 😞

02/10/2025 GME Boofing Run

Okay now for the exciting part! Everybody's been asking me when the next boofing run will happen on GME. I've been heavily experimenting with "boofing predictions" on GME and other stocks lately. Some of the dates have hit, some have missed, as is to be expected. The problem was the hits thus far were on other stocks, and I know you guys only care about GME. 😜

Well, a GME boofing run just hit! It is a perfect, textbook example too, so I'd like to share it with you guys. Remember in The Big DD, I explained that the only catalysts we've had on GME recently were the DFV tweets and Q3 Earnings, so those were our potential boofing opportunities. Key word potential. For now let's just dive into the DFV tweets.


DFV's first tweet was the TIME magazine one on December 5, 2024. As shown in the chart below, GME reacted very strongly to this tweet. There was a ~9M volume candle on the 15 minute chart and GME jumped several dollars right after DFV tweeted.


You can see the Boofing Table above, remember Boofing Tables from the DD? Well anyways, when the final settlement dates came, nothing happened for GME. Looks like they didn't boof any volume from this tweet. Cowabummer dude.

Christmas Gift:

DFV's next tweet came on Christmas, what a nice surprise. Christmas was obviously a stock market holiday, but as you can see in the chart below, GME strongly reacted the next day (December 26th). GME jumped in overnight/premarket trading, and the opening candle was ~5M volume on the 15 minute chart. Overall GME jumped a few dollars.


But when the final settlement dates came, nothing happened. Alright guys it's looking like boofing is bullshit. Everybody fling your $POO at Otherwise-Category42...No wait! Give it one more shot! πŸ™

Rick James Bitch:

DFV's third tweet was of the Rick James - Chappelle Show bit. He tweeted it on New Year's Day, and you can see GME's reaction from the following day (January 2nd) below. This one was drastically different. GME only saw an opening candle of ~600k volume, and the price didn't jump. In fact, this was a red day. Hmm...very weird. The first two tweets saw huge volume candles and price jumps. Now all of the sudden GME doesn't care about DFV tweets???

Interestingly there was another stock that did react very strongly to this tweet, but since this is a GME sub we aren't going to go there. Regardless of that other stock's reaction, this doesn't make sense. GME historically always reacts strongly to DFV tweets. Something smells fishy. Something smells, dare I say it, smells like boofing...


If you recall, in The Big DD when I first explained the concept of boofing, I mentioned that sometimes a stock not reacting appropriately to a catalyst can be a tell-tale sign of boofing.

from The Big DD

As you can see in the Boofing Table above, final settlement from any January 2nd boofing would be due by February 10th at the latest. Let's see what happened to GME on February 10th:


GME went up ~10% with elevated volume compared to what we've been seeing lately! Hooray GME!!! πŸš€


There were no news or announcements from GameStop on February 10th to explain that 10% move. It may have seemed random, but now you know it was not! It was boofing! ...What's that? You still don't believe me...fine I'll show you more evidence.

More evidence:

In The Big DD, I showed that historically KOSS always runs alongside GME when boofing occurs. There have been times when GME runs without KOSS due to the options flow or a number of other reasons, but when it comes to boofing, KOSS is typically right there stride-for-stride. Well, KOSS also ran on February 10th, +15% on elevated volume. Below is both the 15 minute and daily candle charts of GME and KOSS side by side:

02/10/2025 GME vs KOSS 15 minute chart

GME vs KOSS daily chart. Hopefully this chart clearly illustrates the delayed settlement for you. πŸ™‚

Well, there it is, all the classic signs of boofing. We all thought GME's reaction to DFV's Rick James tweet was weak, but really the volume was just boofed! 🍌 On February 10th, the final settlement date according to the Boofing Formulas, GME ran 10%. GME's buddy came along for the ride too, as expected.

Note #1: The news wants you to believe that GME ran on February 10th due to Bitcoin hype, or at least that was the only excuse they could come up with to push out clickbait articles. Yes, it is true that on February 7th, Ryan Cohen tweeted a picture with Michael Saylor. Sure, this stirred up a little hype, but by now I think apes are smarter than that. These days, we've seen many Ryan Cohen tweets without any impact to the stock. If the run was due to GME/Bitcoin hype, then why did KOSS run? If the run was due to GME/Bitcoin hype, did investors just suddenly lose interest on the following day when the run died? The truth is this run was due to boofing from January 2nd, don't believe the narratives apes.

Get lost TradingView! 😑

Note #2: Some of you are going to say Monday's run was due to XRT coming off RegSHO. I don't agree because that is not how the RegSHO Threshold Security List works. In order for a stock or ETF to be removed from the RegSHO list, the FTDs must have been cleared or dropped to normal levels for five consecutive settlement days. XRT coming off the list on Monday indicates that the bulk of its FTDs had been cleared 5 trading days prior. Plus, if Monday's run was really just them closing out XRT FTDs, why did KOSS run alongside GME? KOSS isn't in XRT. It was boofing guys.


Note #3: Above I showed the boofing windows from DFV's recent tweets, but something very interesting also happened on the final boofing settlement date from Q3 Earnings (which was January 17th). A large 2M volume spike hit right at 1:45PM EST. TIME anyone? Unfortunately, that's a very complicated topic that I haven't finished fully researching, so we're going to have to save it for another time. πŸ˜‰


Note #4: I intend to continue testing and perfecting the process of making boofing predictions. Out of respect for Superstonk's current "no dates" sentiment, I will not be posting all of those predictions here. I made an article called the "BOOFTHEORY Log" for those that wish to follow along with that journey. Keep in mind my preliminary goal is to hit boofing predictions with a roughly 50% success rate. These types of plays do come with risk. If this is something that interests you, then you can find the BOOFTHEORY Log here: https://x.com/OtherCategory42/status/1888515989744341194


I did want to mention that The Big DD 2.0 is currently underway. I still have a long way to go on it, so I don't know when it's going to be done yet. Whenever it is ready, I'll be sure to let everyone know on every form of social media that I can! Here's my goals for The Big DD 2.0:

  • Remove the "FINRA Holiday Extensions" section that has been deemed incorrect and update all of the Boofing Tables accordingly.
  • Re-word or add extra explanations to the sections that were most commonly misunderstood by people.
  • The "Requel" section had covered current events and showed some examples of how to use the Boofing Formulas to make predictions. I did truly believe there was some serious potential for January 2025 at the time of writing The Big DD (we all were thinking it), but I thought I had made it abundantly clear that I was not making any hard predictions in an effort to keep the DD timeless. I even made a REDACTED joke and stated, "Whether it [MOASS] happens in January or the distant future"...Despite all of this, it seems that a lot of apes perceived that I was 100% calling for MOASS on the potential boofing dates in January, and they've been shouting "The Big DD was wrong" and "The Big DD didn't come true". Hopefully you see now that's not how boofing works, and that I definitely was not predicting MOASS in January without some serious catalysts. Anyways, I'm going to have to figure out how to completely rewrite that section to avoid that type of confusion.

This is the current ending of the Requel section of The Big DD.

  • I have received some requests to cover REX 069 (yes I'm serious), so I may include that topic in version 2.0, we'll see.

Game Over

I hope this update post added some extra clarity and helpful updates to The Big DD. Hopefully it helps some of you that have been skeptical of me to see that I'm not some evil hedgie with a sinister plan. Although a lot of you may not care about 10% moves in the stock, there is a reason I am so persistent about writing settlement DD and testing my theories. There is a reason I have been working so hard to instill confidence within the ape community about Boofing and REX 068. Everyone close your eyes for a moment and imagine a time in the future where GameStop gives its shareholders a serious catalyst. Imagine that we're no longer talking about a 10% move, we're finally talking about the big one. Now imagine the stock doesn't react appropriately to said catalyst, and that apes around the world understand exactly when that delayed settlement is due. Even better, imagine this catalyst is so huge that it triggers a massive margin deficiency, and apes around the world know of an exact 14 calendar day window that the stock will continuously moon. That hypothetical scenario that we've just imagined together is truly Game Over my friends. Thanks for playing.
