New Supernote Manta Owner: The One Feature That Makes My Colleagues Envious (So Far)

Greetings SN Community. I have been lurking here for the past 18 months or so as I prepared for a eNote purchase. I am a college professor with multiple appointments across the uni that include teaching, administration, scholarship, service, and mentoring. A slave to paper, I sought an eNotebook to help me reduce clutter, mitigate lost and far-flung notes, and help me think. I think as I write, and insights blossom as I create. That is not so when I type. I have to concentrate on typing and can't get into creative flow, and I'm an older person living with ADHD in need of a distraction-free device. I've researched the market extensively, and every time I was considering a purchase a new release was announced or released so I went back to the bench to wait and see. The Manta is exactly what I've needed, but not for the reason that I intended. I wanted an eNotepad to store notes in one location, have solid handwriting recognition, and have a pleasing writing experience. When the Manta was released I purchased it with the half-folio, a HoM2 pen, and a LAMY safari vista pen. I have received so much more than I expected.

I've just scratched the surface on features because I've had no time to read the manual, but there is one feature that has been an unmitigated productivity enhancer: the ability to lasso text in a note and have it added to the To Do list. This is absolutely perfect for my use case, and I somehow missed any mention of this feature. I use my computer less frequently and turn to the Manta for tasks that require deeper thought or closer attention, such as curricula evaluation meetings and manuscript writing; however, the ability to take notes during five separate meetings, work on three manuscripts, nest those in organized folders, and keep a unified, simple To Do list of action items that link back to their respective notes is unexpected. My priorities have become visualized as the list generates, and everything is accessible from one place with the particulars sorted among the various notes. When I show this to my colleagues, they pay attention. Students too, particularly those in health sciences. The writing experience is as pleasing as advertised, and the pens are well designed; although, somewhere between the weighting and the shape, the HoM2 pen is personally preferable to the the safari vista. Still, I use both daily--the HoM2 is my go-to for writing, while the safari vista is used for finer line and shapes because I find that I have better control of the nib due to the scalloped shape.

I have so much more to learn. LOL, I was excited to figure out the star feature but haven't had time to read about that, keywords, or headings to add them to the workflow. Thank you to Supernote and those who have contributed to the community. Your work has been a benefit to me and my aging brain.