Does Studio One have Native modulation… yet?
Hello, got a question…. I currently use Studio One 4! I really like Studio One as my main DAW, and I very possibly might upgrade to 7 if they have implemented a modulation system into newer Studio One releases? I’m talking about a native modulation system, i.e. LFOs, MSEGs, Env. Followers, Step Sequencers, etc. that can be attached to any automatable parameter of native devices & 3rd party plugins.
BTW, yes I know it has automation, that’s super useful, but there’s something special, and slightly random, to multi LFO modulation, or Modulators modulating other modulators that I really like.
I’ve become really attached to working with LFO modulators since using my Digitakt, and Prophet Rev 2, and I really need this in my DAW. I was using Reaper occasionally, only and just for the modulation it has, and the one in Reaper isn’t all that great to begin with, but I’ll take that over nothing at all.
Thanks in advance for any replies!