Stu the stray making friends with our dobbie

Stu the stray turned up in our garden a couple of months ago looking very unwell, after a couple of attempts the girlfriend managed to bribe him into the house. Not chipped, multiple wounds and all almost all his teeth missing.

After a few rounds at the vets, antibiotics and a cone to stop him pulling at his stitches. He's on the mend, making friends with our dobbie cerberus.

Stu the stray turned up in our garden a couple of months ago looking very unwell, after a couple of attempts the girlfriend managed to bribe him into the house. Not chipped, multiple wounds and all almost all his teeth missing.

After a few rounds at the vets, antibiotics and a cone to stop him pulling at his stitches. He's on the mend, making friends with our dobbie cerberus.