My last straw with Peachybbies :(
I don't want to be too negative on here because I love the slime community and slime itself, but I was really sad to see this and want to know anyone else's thoughts. I've followed peachybbies for so long, their slime quality and customer service has decreased so much that I no longer buy from them. (thankfully there are so many good slime shop recs in this sub) My daughters still loved to watch their old content. Even that has decreased recently, the entire staff seems to have left?? I know we've all heard the rumors of bad reviews working there, gross working conditionings and what not, but this is my final straw. This video, that my daughter showed me, was very upsetting, (I'm sure I could just be an overly sensitive mom, but ALL of the comments were equally enraged). This was allegedly a sponsored post? It seems really insensitive and inappropriate. I'm no longer allowing my little ones to watch their content (to be honest they expressed they don't enjoy it anymore anyways) I don't like that they seem to do anything for views, regardless of how the audience might feel this isn't the first time they've (specifically Andrea it seems) posted something gross and weird like this. I'd love to hear anyone else's thoughts, and we'd really love other slime content creator recommendations.