This Show has Become Infuriating

Sewson 2 of Severance has become almost unbearable to watch.

I need to start of by saying that I was ecstatic for Season 2, and have watched every episode of the new season as it drops. But unfortunately, this season has only served to dissapoint me.

There is a difference between nitpicking and understanding when a tv show has fundamental problems.

Yes, Severance is a good show. Season 1 had a powerful and moody tone, carefully crafted suspense, a wildly entertaining cast and fascinating premise, as well as a banger season finale that left me salavating for more.

I was filled with anticipation for this season. I wanted to know more secrets about this malicious and cult-like company. I wanted to know more about this alternate universe with corporate towns and sci-fi human augmentation.

I was expecting the show to expand it's scope in a satisfying and coherent way, but unfortunately, season 2 has left me sorely disappointed and honestly just sad.

Once again, I want to emphasize that I Loved this show- which is why it makes me so angry that it has gone this way.

I just want to rant and hope that someone else understands where I'm coming from.

The main problem that Severance is having is that there is a deliberate lack of foreward momentum which has leaked into every aspect of the show.

The worst offender: Mark's Reintegration.

Where do I even begin with this plot point.

Introducing an element into a story that takes up valuable screen time should have reason to justify it's own existence. Mark's Reintegration has done absolutely Nothing to advance the plot in any way.

To prove just how insignificant Mark's reintegration has been to the plot, let's discuss the logic behind the finale of Season 2, Episode 9.

Harmony is waiting inside of a birthing cabin. Episode 9's main conflict was getting Mark to one of these cabins so that Harmony can talk to Mark's Innie.

So then, can anyone explain the point of Mark deciding to reintegrate at all? If the characters need to break into Lumon grounds to contact his innie, then what was even the point?

Why would Mark need to "flood the chip" if the only consequence of "flooding the chip" was that Mark would fall unconscious for an episode, daydream about his missing wife, and no further reintegration would take place?

There have been less than 3 short and unimportant scenes concerning Mark's reintegration. It is clear to me that this plot point was introduced for no reason. It's strictly filler that serves no purpose, no momentum, no anything. It was just a shocking idea that the show felt the need to conjure up then halt in it's tracks for the convenience of the script.

And "Cold Harbor"

God Cold Harbor pisses me off.

I am so. damn. tired. of hearing those two words repeated over. and over. and over. and over.

I get it!!! So mysterious!!! I wonder what It could be, Wow, how intriguing!!

But it gets. to. a. point. I mean it's just so absurdly ridiculous at this point that the show has basically become a parody of itself.

It's gotten to a point where nothing, and I mean absolutely no reveal, could justify the way that this script has gone about introducing and developing this "mystery."

The show seems to balance and teeter on this question: "What is Cold Harbor?"

And no one in the show wants to answer it.

Helena, Lumon Higher-Ups, Harmony, Milchik, Mark, Anyone on the severed floor, any character just seems to understand that "Cold Harbor" is some world-shattering, insanely important and influential thing, but no one cares to say WHAT it is.

I understand that TV need to have anticipation to merit reward; but this show has gotten to a point of utter infuriation that I just can't seem to care.

Season 2 Episode 9. Cold Harbor, the most important thing in Lumon's history, has to be finished today, and Mark needs to be the one to finish it. Only, Mark isn't here. Will Lumon track his phone and retrieve him and force him to complete the most important thing in the universe? The thing the show has been building towards for years? The point of MDR. The scary numbers and what they mean. The seeming hinge of the entire plot, the end of the road for Helena, her father, Milckek, Harmony, Lumon at large, the entire purpose of the show?

No. Mark can take a day off.

This show has become filled to bursting with so many god damn discrepancies that I'm done putting my faith in it.

I was so exited to see the consequences of the season 1 finale. Maybe we would see the severed world: a place where brutal prostests, plotting political scemes, people behind the scenes at Lumon, all be brought into light to further the mystery and enhance the plot.

I hoped that Helly's outburst in front of cameras and investors would have SOME impact. I thought that Mark discovering Gemma's death being faked, Irving and his paintings, would all have MEANT something. But what has it all lead to?

Irving is banished from season 2 without any interesting developments

Helly telling the world that severance is torture has lead to NOTHING.

Mark is at the exact same place in the finale of season 2 as he was at season 1. With zero character development, interesting changes, or reinegration.

Season 2 has had interesting elements, sure, but when you get down to it, nothing interesting has happened in this season besides Helena taking Helly's place. The writing has been lazily pieced together to keep us engaged, but has ultimately fallen flat in the promises set up in Season 1, leaving me baffled at the choices made by the show runners.

I'm just hoping that this Friday, I'll be eating my words.