People without disability/insurance, how do you keep existing?

Hello all, I posted about a week ago asking for advice. I am someone who lives paycheck to paycheck, no st or lt disability insurance. I was able to get state insurance today, but not before being hit by a few medical visits. 3 doctors (chiropractor, er, and primary care) later and I am dwindling on funds. There is no way that I can return to my work with the condition I am in, but the advice from the doctors have been, rest as much as you can, walk as much as you can (which isn’t much), and we can’t help you other than these pain meds that do nothing. How do you guys with severe symptoms keep any cash flow coming? I have an mri scheduled but not until mid June. I just feel lost, hopeless, and depressed. Any attempts to reach out to my work about “light duty” opportunities have been ignored. I live with my sister and her 5 kids, but not being able to pay rent is going to put extra stress on an already fiscally stressed household, and the thought of burdening her is eating me alive. Any advice is appreciated.