Threatening to share intimate images unless I pay them

I was dumb and stupidly sent a pic of my penis to this person on Instagram after they sent me pictures and asked. I knew it was dodgy but I still did it. I wish I didn’t. Straight away they sent like a collage style pic of my face, the picture of my penis, my account and my followers. They said they’d send it and ruin my life unless I paid them €1,600. I reported the account and all the messages even as they kept pressuring me and sent me a ss of my followers and friends in a group chat that they were about to send to. I kept reporting again and again. All of a sudden the messages stop and the account went dark. Is this because the reporting worked? Do they still have access to my account? Will they still have my pictures but more importantly will they still see my friends and family that they could send it to??

Please help