Finally home in my body :’) Nonbinary/femme radical reduction 1MPO
Title says it all. I, 21 (5’11” 160lbs) nonbinary had a breast reduction a little over a month ago through Kaiser NorCal and my surgeon was Dr. Lin Lin Gao!! Drains were used for 4 days which was the absolute worst part, afterwards however it was a breeze.
I told her I wanted feminine shaped breasts but drastically smaller, no overhang, perky, around an A-B cup and my gosh did she deliver. I don’t want crawl out of my skin anymore. My breasts aren’t nearly as asymmetrical as they were before and they sit so beautifully. I’m finally home within <3
I’m scared of them being too large or overhang ever developing. I’m not quite sure if they are large ish or not despite everyone telling me they’re super small, especially for my height. I think it’s just me being super discombobulated after surgery :) if anyone has any questions ask away!!!