New Neighbors House Is On MY PROPERTY?!?!
****EDIT**** - I was not expecting this to receive so much feedback, very appreciative to all of you. I was not aware of "Adverse Possession", and having now looked up PA laws in relation - this will be a guaranteed issue - as all of the bullet points are relevant. On top of the "neighbor from hell" sentiment (which I already felt) - I am likely going to walk. Thank you all for the time and information, VERY HELPFUL!!!!!!!!********
****SECOND EDIT**** - Upon first meeting her and after the survey, she said she wanted to buy the land from me for some $, which I was fine with. I then realized I cant build a boat ramp on "my" land - so I offered to give her the land in exchange for strictly "use" of her ramp. Not hanging it over her head, not extorting etc....just offered to make a "fair trade" of sorts. I did also want to sign a no-liability waiver for use of the ramp - so if I get hurt it is not on her - which is also my concern if she gets hurt on "my" property, once I close on the land. Seemed like a fair proposal - free land for her, and I get to use a ramp. The neighbor next to her already said I can use their ramp if I do buy the lot - so her ramp is now a moot point. I think I'm going to walk********
****THIRD EDIT**** - My only choices are - 1. Buy the lot and sell her the land she wants, prior to lawyers fees and the court eventually giving her adverse possession. At least I get some money back on the purchase price and its clear she has no clue about adverse posession law. 2. Buy the land and make a big stink, which will only cause sour grapes and cost endless time and money for everyone. Nonstop headaches. 3. Walk
****FOURTH EDIT**** - I also did make a lowball offer on some undeveloped land a few miles away, just for fun. This land also has an easement for old relatives to access a property beyond "my" property's boundary. After direction and research done based on info I did receive here - I am walking away from both. Thank you all so much for the help.
Buying land in Pennsylvania to build a cabin on a major river. Several parcels were owned by large family over the last 100 years - now split up amongst living relatives.
Survey shows that my next door neighbor's HOUSE is several feet on to my property. They are not disputing this. Also garden, wood burning stove, lots of "stuff" well over the marked property line. It all once belonged to same family, so it was never an issue.
Neighbor wants to buy said strip of "Stolen Land" from me when I close. She will not let me use her boat ramp in exchange for the land she wants. Long story, tried negotiating. She wont be negotiated with, I offered to GIVE her the land in exchange for use of the boat ramp AND padded the offer with cash in her pocket. Nothing will budge her. BUT she claims she is going to buy the land that is now "mine", implying that me or anyone else who buys is just going to sell it to her - and when I mentioned that this may not work for me, and I will have to take reasonable measures, since she us being unreasonable - She said she will tear the "f@$%er down (referring to her home, lol) - she is acting like this is the Yellowstone Ranch.
What is my best course of action here?