Hot take: Goyo is the new warden

Let me explain. We all know how when warden had his 1.5 on the mpx everyone used him solely for that reason, well same thing is happening to goyo but with the 2.5 on his vector, almost every game i play has a roaming goyo that put his canisters down in horrible places that makes us lose the round. His load out is so good being a 2-2 and having impacts im not surprised people are picking him nearly every round to satisfy their tdm itches

Let me explain. We all know how when warden had his 1.5 on the mpx everyone used him solely for that reason, well same thing is happening to goyo but with the 2.5 on his vector, almost every game i play has a roaming goyo that put his canisters down in horrible places that makes us lose the round. His load out is so good being a 2-2 and having impacts im not surprised people are picking him nearly every round to satisfy their tdm itches