Some Japanese I learned if you want to know some words! (I was actually testing myself but I'll post it here now)
Gomen is the shortened version 'Gomen nasai' which means "I'm sorry" or "excuse me", although I think I'm thinking of sumimasen. (I was)
Watashi means...Well, really anything to do with yourself! For example; If I say 'Watashi wa Haruka ga suki desu,' I'd be saying 'I like Haruka!' Or 'Watashi wa katsu curry o tabimasu' I'm saying 'I'm eating katsu curry!'
Rabu is just the Romanized version of 'love' I believe.
Hajimeshite means " It's nice to meet you!"
A Tanuki is a raccon dog from Japan.
Saki means blossem like I said! (When I wrote this, I had already writen down what Saki meant) Even though I'm just now realizing the word I could've used is sakana (which means fish)...
Kai is like ka in the songs I've heard. It's a question particle at the end of a sentence
Aishite means love me, but I'm sure you already knew that. Ai as in love, shi and te as in....??? (I remember te can mean hand, but I have no idea why 'hand' would be in that word).
Miku is Miku (BWAH-)
That's it for now!