Characters that have actually chances of appearing
I’m saying this, I’m gonna exclude the obvious (no Huggy, or Kissy, Or 1006, or Poppy, nor Boxy*). Feel free to discuss with me! :D
-Boxy: yeeeah, about him… some people still think bro won’t appear in the chapters (ex: à YouTuber called PoppyTheory) but Boxy-Boo has way to much of an impact on the lore to jot appear. He was the first official Bigger Body, “The first of Many” if we take Sawyer’s words. Plus, we did see him in a drawing on the Orientation Notebook, actively escaping containment. We also saw him munch on a dude in the Hour of Joy. And to assure you that he’s gonna appear, he’s the most aggressive experiment and surely is considered a “threat” (or at least, someone that can fend for himself quite easily). What does that mean? He’s surely still alive till the moments of chapter 5…
-Bobby: first of all, her cutout didnt end with screams. Yeah, something may have happened to her after but we can’t Aussie that much only from a cardboard. 2nd, her 2 last lines give me a sense that she might be hiding, waiting for help. “I’ve been lost à long time ago.” “You won’t leave me (in the factory, surely), will you? And yes, she might be a failure but we’ve seen how said “failures” appear in game (Bunzo, The mini huggies, mini critters, pianosaurus and Yarnaby),
-Hoppy: even tho her cutout ended with screams, she might have just falllen really bad but stayed alive… but the thing is the fact that they referenced her in chapter 4: why would they have a vhs tape WITH HER FACE on it if it’s not for a purpose? And another thing: in a note that we read, if you flip the page, you’ll read one very special thing: “Hoppy disappeared and we can’t find her”. Tell me, honestly, why would this message would be written in the back of the note…
-Bron: I just think that he has potential. The devs said that her was cut from chapter 1, 3 and 4. He did play a little part in chapter 2, but that’s all. If the devs cut him so much, but rumours said that chapter 5 might be the last, wouldn’t it be time for Bron to show “who’s the scariest dinosaur”? (It’s him…). Also, he had an entire vhs tape for himself, we saw his transfer, him almost getting killed and him being locked up for solitary confinement. He has potential.
-Pj: my main 2 in 1 argument is that the devs confirmed that he was alive. They never said it more clearly yet for any characters except Pj (even Huggy had some mysteries). This is further “backed up” by the fact that Mommy didn’t kill him. Otherwise, while looking up at the ceiling of the Game Station when we were heading to the triangle, we would had seen his body.
Yeah, that’s it. Thanks for reading at even bigger thank you for commenting. Have a great week? :D