Na seriously what the actual fuck have you done with your game devs
I LOVE THIS GAME TO BITS BUT HOLY FUCK DEVS PLAY YOUR GAME PLAY IT the game itself is so good but what the actual fuck are these updates NO KILLER FOR 4 MONTHS OR CURSED ik it takes a while but 4 months is actually mind boggling. The level resets are terrible who tf asked for that shit some of my favourite ppl have sunk THOUSANDS OF HOURS and you erased their entire career. The NEXT WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THAT SANITY SHIT who wanted their screen blurred at 50 SANITY that shit I'm still alive able to get grabbed is mind boggling if I wanted to have zoomed in screen I'd get high on shrooms. Overall it's just bad really bad it's shit to play and I've ran into more bad people throwing my matches than ever before please fix your game before we all quit or at least update us soon ik you all work hard and are a small team but the game at it's core IS FINE STOP CHANGING IT thank you and this is the first and hopefully last time I make a rant post on this and any game