“Won’t someone think of the Nazis?” Fun fact: the VPOTUS follows this man.

Now. For those who don’t know, Shayan Sardarizadeh is a news reporter who goes against right wing crackpots, so his follow mainly comes from him wanting to debunk captive, here.

But what is Vance’s excuse, especially knowing he has an Indian wife and half Indian children? This man is a Nazi and he’s following a man who would hate his wife and kids.

Also, this guy is a pedophile and his name is Geoffrey Martin. His fucking dad even had to come to tell the world how shitty of a person he is, and it’s because he said the n word to Drew Pavlou, a Greek-Australian dude, who is essentially the liberal Nick Adams.

I don’t like Drew and think he’s a moron, but he absolutely got the better hand here, but not hard to do that against a Nazi.