*Violently vomits this onto the sub* round 16

There are… atleast infnite ants in my skin rn

Round 16 Jamie vs pressor

Pressor by u/BunnyBabyGirlz vs Jamie yens by me

Jamie bounces out into the arena, she had been waiting months for this- well technically in universe she’d only waited a few hours but she knew it had also been months.

On the other side of the arena pressor steps out, she sees Jamie and grins.

Jamie pretty quickly sees what pressor is thinking and try’s to figure out the funniest course of action for dealing with the femcell

“Hey there cutie, listen I won’t knock you around if you let me play with you in between the next rounds, hell I’ll even let you team up with me”

Pressor says with a smirk which slowly fades as Jamie dosnt respond or even react

“Hello? Look cutie I’m giving you a pretty generous offer he-“


Screams the real Jamie that suddenly bursts up behind pressor and starts smacking her head in with a massive paint brush

jamie turn to the crowd raising her arms in the air

“Yay i did I- WOAH!”

She is interupted as pressor stands up grabbing her by the leg and spinning her around in a circle before throwing her at a wall at top speed

Pressor grimaces

“I don’t think you understood me before, either you take me willingly or I’m gonna tear you up into little pieces”

Jamie splatters into inky paste against the colleseum wall to pressor’s surprise

“Ah shit I knew I shouldn’t of hit then that hard”

The ink paste suddenly shoots out millions of Jamie like a tsunami onto pressor who is overwhelmed as they try destroying them one at a time

“Bet you’ve always wanted to be drowning in women, lucky for you I’m happy to make that happen”

Jamie says with a cocky grin

The pile of Jamies begins to glow with blinding light before a burst of energy from under throws then all off revealing pressor looking pissed but determined.

“Thanks for the opportunity, but i want the real thing”

Pressor responds with flickering malice

Pressor clenches their fist using their telekenisis to crush all the Jamie’s into a ball and hold the real one in place before shaping the fake Jamie’s into two large sharp spikes which they launch at Jamie

Jamie actung quickly makes the shards of undefined matter coming towards her the texture of plushies and the massive spikes softly bounce other her to which she giggles a bit

“Hehe tickly”

Pressor grimaces again

“Last chance, bitch”

Pressor begins to use the telekenisis to try and crush Jamie completely

As Jamie crumble as shrinks she just barley y manages to get a purple vial from her belt into her mouth

She bites down on it shattering it her mouth

She turns purple, her hair straightens and glasses materialise on her face

The shrinking stops and her body uncrumples as she dusts herself off

“What the hell”

Pressor says

“Oh dear”

Jamie says to herself before throwing a red and blue vial into the air and smashing it with her paint brush.

Blue and red are added to Jamie’s colour scheme and she perks up part of her hair becoming spiky and frizzie and dirt smudges appearing on her face

She starts zooming around faster than pressor can see hitting pressor hard from every angle

“Ngh stay still you slimy little shit”

Pressor shouts as they swing and miss several blows. Jamie grins before responding

“You’re. Too. Slow.”

Pressor grabs onto Jamie’s arm just barley after a hit snapping it off and throwing it onto the ground causing Jamie to trip and spiral into a wall causing a crash of rocks and dust

Pressor smirks and slowly walks to wards Jamie

The vials wear off


Jamie says to herself quickly making an small army of various creatures

“Wait wait wait time out”

Pressor interupts

“Can you… make girls with that thing”

Jamie looks up with a bit of surprise before an idea comes to mind

“…yesss, in fact, you see that girl in the crowd over there”

She points at gror

Gror:you. Wouldn’t. Fucking. Dar-

“I’ll make you 50 copies of her for free if you team up with me”


“Hmmm she seems like a 5”

Pressor responds thoughtfully

“Ah yes but I can make versions of her that are tens”

Jamie responds as pressor looks over satisfied

“Alright, you got a deal”

The two hand shake and each walk back out of their respective entrances

Winner: friendship

Hello I’m back finally after all this time I know but I’m here once more There are ants in my skin