A new version of Bea, introducing Dead Clown Bea
So recently I've been thinking on the LORE and where Bea's story could go. This would be kind of further into the story than I've explored so far, and it's not set in stone of course. But I was thinking it might be interesting if Bea were to die before breaking the pact she made with the Clown Father. Her body doesn't stay dead for long, but when it comes back to life it wouldn't be her anymore, it would be Basma, the Clown sorceress who was trapped within Bea during her conversion into being a Clown. Basma might then go on to assume leadership of the Clown temple in the City of Juno, probably by force using Bea's powerful body and her own mastery of magic. Of this move would be concerning to Bea's friends who knew her as someone who fell away from the church and regretted the pact she made with The Clown Father.
But what happened to Bea herself when she died? The pact every clown makes with The Clown Father is clear on that, their souls are consumed and spend eternity within Him, living out their afterlife in a sunless, eternal carnival, naturally called the Dark Carnival. Bea grew to intensely dislike all things clowny in life, so this afterlife is an actual hell for her.
The Dark Carnival is a very chaotic place, at first glance it looks like a colorful sprawling city infested by circus tents, massive advertisements for amusement park attractions, and other sideshow nonsense. It's inhabitants always scrambling manically from place to place, spraying each other with seltzer water or bashing bystanders with oversized mallets, but nothing really seems to matter, no one sustains any injuries or complains about being drenched in fizzy water. It's all just par for the course. Carnival music blares ceaselessly from speakers at every street corner, egging on the nonstop frenzy, overall it's a sensory nightmare.
Bea herself would be attending a support group for clowns who regret the pact they made and who are not fans of the afterlife they are now subjected to. They meet in a room that would probably resemble a stuffy office from the 90s, lit with harsh florescent lights, complete worn office carpeting and water damaged ceiling tiles. The support group is an oasis of normalicy in an ocean of chaos, the burned coffee and stale donuts are a welcome change from the cotton candy and corn dogs that make up the staple foods outside these four walls.
Perhaps Bea finds work as a garbage person, no one needs to work in the Dark Carnival, but it helps pass the time. The only silver lining for her here is sort of strange, she finds that without her living body holding her back, her training and meditation grows her power exponentially greater, maybe without the pact shackling her Ki she can finally tap into the oceans of reserves that were hiding within her. Perhaps that's the key to her escape?
Anyway, that's sort of what I've been working on lately with her story, I mostly just wanted to write it down lol