MH-1 vs Manticore

Been researching for months and still can't decide on first set of binos. Getting analysis paralysis. Want to purchase within the next month or two. May wait for SHOT show to see if anything new drops or any deals. Don't really have an option to get hands on experience with either. Will be used with WP Elbits or L3. Possibly RPO for weight savings. Pros for each that I see:

Modular. Pano may interest me in the future
Lighter barely
Manual gain is a knob instead of buttons
Better illuminators

Been out longer. Bugs and issues may be ironed out more
Stronger material
Possibly more durable. Seen it dropped from drones and buttons could be less prone to breakage

Not sure how much the manual gain knob vs buttons is to me. Really don't use it much on my pvs-14.

Basically seems like the MH-1 has more features but Manticore is more robust?

Seems like all the vendors I talk to push the MH-1 more. Is that just because it's easier to install the tubes?

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