Feeling guilty I don’t send baby to daycare

Let me preface by saying I know I am very fortunate to be able to be a stay at home mom. I’m very grateful to my husband and ultimately would not change anything.

But since little man is awake most of the day, I feel guilty I can’t spend every moment with him. When he was a newborn it was easy to get chores done while he napped in the wrap for hours. And for the 30-60 minutes he was up, I could be there for him 100% singing to him, showing him contrast cards, or doing tummy time.

Now we’re lucky to get 2 half hour naps. And while I still read to him, play with him, and narrate our day there’s still times where he is exploring or playing independently. I know some of this is good for him, but I just feel bad that I can’t be engaged all the time like I was when he was younger. Sometimes I wonder if he would be better off going to daycare where they are paid to do nothing other than interact and pay attention to him instead of watching me do chores all day :(