Paying a Broker fee through Zelle?

Found and toured a listing through Street Easy. Rent-stabilized, good-sized, good area etc. so decided to go through with it. Put down a refundable deposit and was approved for the unit. Now I have to pay the broker fee, 1st month + security etc. and the broker is asking for the fee to be paid through Zelle with the 1st month + security being checks sent through fedex? Is this normal/safe? I did find them through street easy but I never met the guy I'd be paying the fee to, just his associate. He has a license number on Street Easy and a past rentals on sales listed there too I just want to be extra sure before I pay, since the broker fee is like $3k each for me and my roommate. The broker company seems to be legit, although they do have bad reviews online (for stuff with touring and telling ppl to just go into the appt) without being there to let them in directly. Any help is appreciated

edit: if someone wants to dm me I can have them take a look rq