Anyone seen the latest Jordan Peterson and Russell brand interview?

I know Russell has spoken about his Narcissistic behaviours in the past but I wasn’t really aware of what Narcissism actually was at the time. After watching this interview it seems very apparent that Russell likely has NPD. He talks about his feelings of grandiosity following periods of feelings of inadequacy, which I see in my own life. I know he has recently found Christianity which is great, and good for him, but I do see this as the ego sneakily sliding in through the back door. Another way to finally be great, to finally become.

He does almost seem psychotic, you can feel the euphoria he feels when he poetically spits a row of words in an almost god like manner. Jordan points to narcissism and psychopathy in the interview, touching Russell’s leg whilst he says the word psychopath, to which Russell gets visibly uncomfortable.

It makes me quite sad, I can see he is trying to find anything to be free from himself, free from the burden of himself, but I feel narcissism runs to deeply, I don’t think you can be free from it. It will always creep in through the back door when you don’t realise it. It IS who you are as a person, as a personality, It runs through every cell of your body.

This got me thinking about my own healing journey. I am always fighting to ‘get back’ to that place, that place where I felt on top of the world, like nothing could phase me, that euphoria. But I realise that’s another attempt to finally become, only to arrive feeling hollow & for the cycle to continue. That IS all there is though? It’s like imprisonment to your own psyche, a game you know you will never win, but you have to play it anyway, because what else is there? It’s a cruel disorder.

Anyway, I’m gonna go sit with my feelings for a bit, get pissed off, and then create a new self to cope with it all 👍
