I Need a Monster Center Build

Hello fellow people,

I am currently searching for a defence based center build for couple of days now. I was playing another center which had 99STR, 99REB and a good offensive abilities in the paint. I could play really well in offence when my team trusts me but as you can imagine, no one really pass the ball to a center. So I wanted to change my build in order to be helpful for my team.

Since my old center couldn't defend neither in interior nor in perimeter, I wanted to change it. I imagine a player who is strong like a bull, collects rebounds aggressively and protect the rim as if it is his little daughter.

What is the optimal build for me? I don't need to score now. I just want to be like Ben Wallace (not that short of course). But whatever I try, I couldn't fix my badges as I imagine.

Can you help me about build please? For example I need to learn which badges should be HoF and which of them is enough when it hits gold etc.

I am really desperate for a build now.

I trust y'all, thanks in advance and sincerely...