The MHA universe has been drafted into a tournament of Power type of tournament against other MHA like universes. You are tasked with create the team. What 10 characters are you picking?

This will follow the rules of the tournament of power. No weapons, no killing, falling of the ring is the only way too eliminate someone, I would say no flying but they break that rule all the time so ignore it. You are allowed to pick any character in the mha verse including the movies and vigilantes. You can pick villains but the characters you pick will be in character so it's important to consider if the villain is willing to work with the heroes.

This will follow the rules of the tournament of power. No weapons, no killing, falling of the ring is the only way too eliminate someone, I would say no flying but they break that rule all the time so ignore it. You are allowed to pick any character in the mha verse including the movies and vigilantes. You can pick villains but the characters you pick will be in character so it's important to consider if the villain is willing to work with the heroes.