Baby reflux and total elimination diets

I feel like my baby’s silent reflux is making spiral into an endless elimination diet

My almost 3 months old EBF baby girl started exhibiting signs of silent reflux at 2 weeks old. The signs were and still are painful reflux in the back of the throat, lots of crying, fussy during feedings, constantly wanting to feed to soothe her throat, agitated sleep. I cut out dairy and soy then eggs, gluten/wheat and peanuts/tree nuts. I tried prevacid for almost two weeks but felt like it gave her insomnia and stomach aches so we stopped. Things got a little bit better for a few weeks but go DRAMATICALLY worse 10 ish days ago after I tried to reintroduce gluten and nuts. Now this is my association and there’s no real way to prove it but after three days of reintroduction she started crying more then ever, with a very high pitch cry, extra fussiness during feedings and chewing non stop on her fist while screaming. I immediately cut everything again and fell on the instagram page of free to feed and since cut out oats, rice legumes and poultry and I’m convincing myself that some latex food (banana, avocado, sweet potatoes, peas, etc) might be the culprit. Am I going too far? I’m consumed by my diet because i really don’t want to switch to formula.

Did any of you have a silent reflux/gerd baby that got better with an elimination diet or was time the only thing that helped? Can infants have GERD without food allergies/intolerances?