Almost Recovered After 11 months
My symptoms started after a second covid infection in May 24. My infection was mild but a week later, I felt nerve pain all over my body, heavyness in my limbs, trigeminal neuralgia, vision issues, insomnia, increased anxiety and depression, GI issues, difficulty swallowing, scalp tenderness and tingling, heart rate issues, muscle twitching, ringing in ears, etc. I went to the dr after 2 weeks of symptoms and they told me it wasn't a huge deal and to wait it out. My arms were so heavy and my neck hurt so bad that it was difficult to drive to the appointment. At that time, my blood work showed that my blood sugar and A1c raised to the prediabetic range. I have PCOS, but have always had controlled blood sugar, despite being 190 pounds at the time. After 2 months, my left eye started burning. I went back to the dr, about to have a mental breakdown, because of this plus my insomnia was getting worse. They determined that my left pupil didn't react in sync with my right in dim light and ordered an MRI. The MRI showed nothing, but I was terrified. My mental health was at an all time low. I bought thousands of dollars worth of supplements. I spent all of my time looking up ways to help me. In September, I finally scheduled an appt with a psych who prescribed me Prozac. It took time to work but helped my mood stability immensely. The month after that, I was able to get in with a cardiologist and requested Ivabradine. This took time but also helped me. I wanted to address my insulin resistance as I knew that was causing inflammation. I started Mounjaro- it was rough at first- but I do think this helped keep my energy stable throughout the day because my blood sugar was stable. I wore a CGM to track what my blood sugar was doing and started wearing abdominal compression when walking and eating (game changer- shout out to Long Covid Dietitian). I also started increasing my fiber, protein, and calories in general. I addressed gut health by eating a wide range of food and taking beef kidney supplements & digestive enzymes prior to meals. I think the following supplements also helped: vitamin c, fish oil, and inflammatone. I also started taking LDN which I feel helped with my insomnia and heart rate. Now, I work out, walk a ton (I walked 15 miles the other day), drink coffee in moderation, and sleep through the night most nights. I also went through another infection and was not set back. I took paxlovid, vitamin C, oregano oil, did nasal rinses and oral rinses, and rested. I wanted to thank this group for your advice and positivity during the worst period of my life.
Edit: I forgot to mention that a few days before I caught covid, I started taking cipro which I believe ruined my gut health. I also wanted to add that I still take LDN, Prozac, and Mounjaro.