My eyes are getting better!
I’m about 8 months in. Weird visual symptoms were my first noticeable sign that something was wrong. Hard to describe exactly but “strange vision” with extreme after image/light sensitivity, tracking issues, feeling of un-realness, and the sensation of faintness/dizziness.
My symptoms were unbearable in contacts. I became unable to wear them basically overnight after having no problems for 20+ years. Eyes docs said my vision and eyes were fine aside from some dryness (but always had that!). But I knew my vision was off. I have to guess it’s a neuro/muscular/inflammation thing.
Anyway I am just sharing that my eyes are getting better! I really thought I’d never be able to wear contacts again but now I can for a few hours at a time. Super great for times I want to be active or have a social event. And just the feeling of freedom.
I am on restatsis which may be helping. Also a lot of fish oil, turmeric, and a keto diet since my opth said my whole ocular area was inflamed.
Did anyone else have the trouble with contacts? For me, it’s felt like my weird vision symptoms were cranked up in contacts. Still noticeable in glasses but less in my face (literally).
I’m not 100% with my eyes but 75% back and have regained some freedom in this area.
I’ve had loads of other symptoms and they are improving at different rates.
Peace and healing to you all. Keep on truckin