Dash Canceling Feral Gyrate 2 to Mountain Roamer


Hello, my 3 other fellow Lingyang Mains.

I've been looking and testing rotations and found that usually the forte rotation for Lingyang goes like the following:
HA (Enter forte) -> [Basic(Alternate between FG1 and FG2) -> Skill(MR)]x4 -> Basic(FG1) -> Basic(SK)

Recently I've been experimenting and found it possible to dash cancel a Basic(FG1/FG2) into Skill(MR), while still allowing it to trigger Diligent practice, so now the rotation looks like this:
HA (Enter forte) -> [Basic(FG1) -> Skill(MR) -> Basic(FG2)//Dash -> Skill(MR)]x3 -> Basic(SK)

Based on calculations below, this is about 13% DPS increase, excluding non-forte part of rotation. (Assuming the rotation duration doesn't increase, since it's locked at the forte gauge drain duration. Right?)

Forte Combo only, Frosty Resolve

Forte Combo only, Freezing Frost

I also saw on another thread here that on standard rotation it's possible to execute 5 MR in one forte rotation on ideal conditions, but I don't think I've ever seen/done it. Meanwhile I've been able to consistently perform the dash cancels like the attached video- you'll know the dash cancel worked when 3 numbers popped up- the third number is Diligent Practice.

The hardest part is making sure that a basic attack is already underway before cancelling it. I did this by queuing a M1 input near the end of Mountain Roamer's animation, then after the 2 pegs appear like the image below: that means Mountain Roamer animation is finishing, Feral Gyrate 2 is starting, time to dash cancel it. Few days of training and you can record it to muscle memory. If you do it too early iirc you'll only see one peg. (TL;DR: Near end of Mountain Roamer: M1, when 2 pegs appear -> M2)

2 Pegs at the end of mountain roamer

On top of damage increase, the damage composition now has a larger chunk originating from skill, so Zhezhi's support has more impact, Frosty Resolve is more viable, and you have one less dead stat when rolling echoes.

I wonder why I'm not seeing this rotation mentioned anywhere.