Great statement from The Prosecutors: Legal Briefs on lawtubers and commentators

From recent episode 150, where they talked about updates in the Delphi, Ellen Greenburg, and Karen Read cases:

If you're out there, and you're trying to understand what's going on in these cases, and you see people who are trying to sell you things - you know - who are trying to sell you that "where someone's gonna be confined is a constitutionally critical stage", or that "it is so obvious that Karen Read is going to succeed, because she clearly was acquitted of those two counts", who put themselves out there as lawyers, who claim to be lawyers who are trying to explain things to you - and they're always telling you it's so obvious it's gonna go one way? And they're always wrong? Everybody gets stuff wrong every now and then, and there are close questions. But, in these two cases in particular [Delphi and Karen Read], just over, and over, and over again, you're seeing these same people tell you how things are and what the law is, and they're just always wrong. Maybe consider not listening to them. Because they are, especially if they get you worked up, they're adding to your anxiety level, and you have plenty of reasons to be anxious in life, so cut that out. You don't need it.