IMP for Bio <3
Important Tables:
-pg. 45, diff b/w diffusion, osmosis and active transport
-pg. 61, diff b/w stomata and lenticels
-pg. 65, diff b/w guttation and bleeding/transpiration
-pg. 85, plant hormones and functions
-pg. 97, types of WBCs
-pg. 99, diff b/w the three kinds of blood cells
-pg. 106, diff b/w arteries and veins
-pg. 133, effects of the ANS
-pg. 134, diff b/w reflexes and voluntary actions
-pg. 144, comparison of rods and cones
-pg. 158, responses to adrenaline
-pg. 164, hormones of the pituitary gland and their actions
-pg. 165, hormones and their principal actions
-pg. 182, stages in birth
-pg. 192, diff b/w theories of Lamarck and Darwin
-pg. 195-196, stages of human evolution
Important Diagrams: (just the pg no.s I got tired :/ )
-pg. 15
-pg. 39, 50
-pg. 59
-pg. 70,77
-pg. 88
-pg. 101
-pg. 117, 118
-pg. 127, 130
-pg. 143, 147, 150
-pg. 158, 161
-pg. 172, 174, 176
-pg. 208