Beginning weight training, looking for advice and tips as a beginner


I've been a runner for 2 years now, and I average around 35 miles a week, give or take. I don't really follow a plan or have a specific goal (yet), I just do zone 3 runs and long zone 2 runs. My running fitness is progressing, though, and I don't really want to change the way I run right now.

I had a shoulder surgery, and now that I am recovered, I can finally hit the gym. I really want to get big, but lean. I want to maintain my body fat as it is right now. I don't want to compromise my running too much, even though I know that it's impossible not to compromise it a bit.

I want to lift as often as possible, without overtraining. I am willing to go 6 days a week if that's going to maximize my gains. But I don't know where to start. I don't know what I should do. How do I combine my running into my weight training? Also, is there a better program for runners? And how do you guys deal with nutrition? Please give me any advice/tips you wish you'd knew sooner, and help regarding my situation.

Thank you!