Veteran Tomarry shippers... what was it like in the early days, during the Live Journal era, when Tomarry was a niche/rare ship and was considered 'controversial' by even slash fans?

I joined the Tomarry fandom just last year. I have been in the HP fandom for 10+ years; I have no idea why it took me this long to become a Tomarry fan.

For those who have been Tomarry stan since the early 2000s, what was it like back then?

I am guessing Tomarrymort was a very niche ship in those days? And was reviled by many mainstream slash fans as well?

I came to know that the uptick of popularity this ship has now is fairly new and only started post-Covid.

Which is surprising if you ask me. Half Blood Prince gave my other ship Drarry a huge popularity boost thanks to the evergreen line, "He was rapidly becoming obsessed with Draco Malfoy."

In the same book, Harry admires Tom Riddle's handsome looks not one but multiple times. This should have given the fandom a boost, but it evidently didn't.

Any theories why?

The popularity is fairly recent.